Pro-Am Golf Shop offers an exceptional golf shopping experience for golfers with all levels of expertise.

Established in 1989, ProAm Golf Shop has one of the largest inventories of golf equipment and accessories in the State of Hawaii.

Our experienced staff are always eager to help you find what you need to help improve your game and performance at any level. Pro-Am Golf Shop is dedicated to providing the best prices and services to all golf enthusiasts.

​​​​​​​Our fully equipped store provides competitive prices on various golf essentials, including golf apparel, golf clubs, golf balls, shoes, gloves, caps, and more

We have a VIP LIst that we maintain to keep you informed of the latest innovations and offerings that we may have on an on-going basis.


Prepare yourself for an unparalleled golfing experience. Our golf shop will provide you with the equipment to meet the challenges on the golf course.  It is up to you how you choose to use them. 

Contact us for more information at (808) 596-2911.


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(808) 596-2911


Call Us Now (808) 596-2911